Our Doctrinal Heritage

Global Methodists profess the historic Christian faith in God, incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation and ever at work in human history in the Holy Spirit. Living in a covenant of grace under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we participate in the first fruits of God's coming reign and pray in hope for its full realization on earth as in heaven. Global Methodists share a common heritage with Christians of every age and nation. This heritage is grounded in the apostolic witness to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, which is the source and measure of all valid Christian teaching.

Basic Christian Affirmations

  • Jesus Christ is Lord!
  • We affirm the sanctity and value of every human life as created and loved by God
  • We affirm two Sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Human beings of all ages are eligible and encouraged for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
  • We believe women in vocational ministry are fully Biblical and empowered by God through the Holy Spirit!
  • We hold in common with all Christians a faith in the mystery of salvation in and through Jesus Christ
  • We share the Christian belief that God's redemptive love is realized in human life by the activity of the Holy Spirit.
  • With other Christians we recognize that the reign of God is both a present and future reality.
  • Thanks primarily to our Wesleyan heritage, grace pervades our understanding of Christian faith and life.
  • For more information on our beliefs, feel free to make an appointment with our pastor.